Thursday, May 25, 2017


I know I have not posted in some time and that seems to be the opener to most of my posts in the last year!  I have to admit, I’ve been busy.  You know, it seems that as you get older things should get easier.  You should have more time to relax and enjoy the world around you.  The truth is you just get busier and busier and, yes – more tired!

Aside from work I’ve been finishing projects around the house before the summer heat is fully upon.  One of the major projects has been planning a full on assault against the carpenter bees.  Good grief!  I have an older post that discusses these little buggers and various options to help alleviate the damage they cause, but they seem particularly rough this year.  If you have any suggestions, tricks or tips on how to eliminate them please leave them in the comments below!

Since it’s been a while since I’ve posted I think I’m going to jump around a bit this time and cover several topics.  The annual meeting will be upon us soon and I hope some of these topics will bring about positive discussion and change.  As always, I love to hear from my readers so please feel free to leave comments.  You can always use your real identity or post as ‘anonymous’.  I just ask that you keep comments fair, clean and respectful.

RV Section.  I know I’ve written about the RV section many times and I feel to positive results.  I must say that there are some great things happening in the area.  We all know that the RV section went through the some tough times in the last 10 years.  I attribute much of the difficulties to the building moratorium that was instituted.  The moratorium was a double edged sword as it prevented a great deal of shoddy construction, but at the same time idled positive development.  I must say that during my last drive through the area I was pleased to see some great development and a renewed air of ‘pride in ownership’.  We must maintain this movement and encourage continued development and continue to work to make the section great again!

On the note of improvement I would like to say thank you to the Campground Committee (really need to work on the name – just saying) for handling the issue on 12th Street of the camper with the collapsed roof.  The blight is no more and I am sure appreciated by all the owners on that street.

I’d also like to say that I am pleased that the association took the suggestion I posted on January 21, 2014 about creating an RV section lot buy-back program in my post titled Coosawattee Campground:  Why it is Important to CRR.  Anytime you suggest spending association funds you always have the nay-sayers climbing out of the woodwork to chide you for making such a dastardly recommendation.  However, one must only step back and look at the options.  The only option that CRR has to control and thwart the issues that have plagued the subdivision is to manage the properties that it has the ability to manage.  That means pulling property back into possession, clean it up, deed restrict it and re-sell.  This not only provides the association the opportunity to generate new revenue, but also improves the area and helps all owners.  I have always stood by the philosophy of focusing on goals that positively affect the most owners first.  The February board meeting packet contains the information regarding the set-aside of funding to allow for the buy-back of approximately five lots per year.  Kudos to the board!

Board Meetings.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  CRR is comprised of so many part-time owners that participation in board activities is very prohibitive when physical attendance at meetings is required.  We live in a day and age when technology rules our lives.  Surely we can secure a conference line to allow owners to call in and board members to attend via phone.  The last election cycle generated many e-mails to me asking me to run for a seat on the board.  Wow – I really appreciate that people read my posts and respect my opinion, but I WORK FOR A LIVING!  My work often takes me out of area and out of state.  I simply would not be able to fulfill the duties that are currently required when all members are expected to attend in person.

While I’m on the topic of board meetings……why do we have monthly meetings?  Of all businesses and organizations I have work for and volunteered at I have never seen an organization hold monthly board meetings.  Dedication of one Saturday a month is more than most people would want to stomach (just speaking honestly).  I could see board meetings, at most, every other month if not quarterly.   There just isn’t that much to talk about… for thought.

Committees.   Number one – eliminate those committees that are not essential to operations.  Number two – hold meetings after hours when people who work and have families can actually attend.  There is a common belief among owners that committee meetings are held during certain times of the day to curtail participation.  These are not clubs.  They are meant to conduct business on behalf of the board to be reviewed by the board.  Transparency can only be achieved when the majority can be included if they wish to be.

Pools.  Riverside Pool looks great!

Well, I have to get back to work and nothing else too pressing is coming to mind.  I’m excited for the warm weather and cool nights and can’t wait to hop on an inner tube and enjoy a blissful journey Along the Coosawattee River!

Till next time,


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