Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ahh, Spring to Summer

Well, it has been some time since I've posted a message here.  It seems that there is always something going on and other things to do.  If you've read my previous posts you know that I'm not one to sit inside and putter too much on the keyboard.  I leave that for the professional internet trolls!

It seems just like yesterday, I posted an article on carpenter bees and some ways to keep them from tearing up you property.  Well, guess what?  THEY'RE BACK!  So, if you are having problems with these little angels tearing up trim, porches, decks, etc., you may wish to take a look through my post archives for a few solutions to end the madness!

Aside from the carpenter bees, spring has made a beautiful transition from the winter blahs, to warm and green!  It has truly been a perfect spring with beautiful temps during the day and cool and crisp evenings.  This type of weather also helps the wallet.  This is the time of year to open your windows, let the fresh air in and turn off those A/C units!

It was also nice to see the bustle of the homeowners and tourists over the Memorial Day holiday.  I always love to see the families out enjoying their property or the campers filling up Ogden Campground and Fishtrap Park.  This year certainly seemed to be one of the busier years in recent history.

Well, it's time to get back outside and keep getting the 'spring cleaning' finished up.  I will try to make a more concerted effort of updating the site and love to hear from my readers.  If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss just send me an e-mail:

Till next time,


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